Palma Vista residents welcome the Garden Grove PD to community outreach festivities


The courtyard in the apartment complex on Palma Vista Avenue in Garden is a popular – and safe – spot for the neighborhood kids to kick it.

Apartment manager Kacie Cardoza and her dad, Bob Cardoza, are making sure it stays that way.

The father and daughter have bought in 100 percent to the partnership between many Palma Vista residents and the Garden Gove Police and Community Development departments, whose mission is to improve living conditions on the street.

The Cardozas periodically hold barbecues in the courtyard, cooking up hot dogs and nachos for the youngsters, in part as a reward to keeping the area in and and around the complex free of litter.

Bob Cardoza cooks a few hot dogs for the  kids in the Palma Vista neighborhood. Photo by Steven Georges/Behind the Badge OC

Bob Cardoza cooks a few hot dogs for the kids in the Palma Vista neighborhood on Dec. 17.
Photo by Steven Georges/Behind the Badge OC

“We try and teach them that they’ve got to respect the street,” Kacie said.

A GGPD officer was invited to the most recent barbecue on Saturday, Dec. 17.

“Because I want the kids to see cops on good terms,” Kacie said. “Our goal is to create that good relationship.”

The GGPD invitee was Officer Steve Estlow, who talked skateboards with a group of kids.

“That is what community policing is all about,” Estlow said. “It is to achieve a goal. She (Kacie) knows it takes a community to get things cleaned up.”

Garden Grove Officer Steve Estlow talks with local residents of the Palma Vista neighborhood. Photo by Steven Georges/Behind the Badge OC

Garden Grove PD Officer Steve Estlow visits with residents of the Palma Vista neighborhood.
Photo by Steven Georges/Behind the Badge OC

Community outreach events on Palma Vista involving the police have been taking place for months, in advance of a year-long program spearheaded by the city’s Neighborhood Improvement Committee aimed at creating a safer, aesthetically pleasing neighborhood.

A former resident, Marielena Hernandez, returns regularly to engage with the kids in different ways.

Marilena organized a “Posada,” a traditional Mexican Christmas ritual meant to replicate the journey of Mary and Joseph through Bethlehem, where they searched for several days for an inn for Mary to give birth to Jesus.

Prayer vigils and parties have been taking place at different apartments every night as part of the Posada.

Mene Brones, 3, has stickers placed on her face by Michelle Carrillo, left, during a Palma Vista neighborhood barbecue. Photo by Steven Georges/Behind the Badge OC

Mene Brones, 3, has stickers placed on her face by Michelle Carrillo, left, during a Palma Vista neighborhood barbecue.
Photo by Steven Georges/Behind the Badge OC

Police have said that ongoing issues on the apartment-packed cul de sac just south of Katella Avenue and west of Euclid Street include gangs, drugs and some landlords who are lax about maintaining their properties.

At an outreach event in November, residents were surveyed on the biggest challenges in their enclave, their view of the police and other issues.

Results of the survey will be used to craft a community and economic development program designed to enhance the quality of life of residents.

“The vast majority of the people here are nice people,” Estlow said. “Today is small, but it still puts something good inside somebody’s heart.”

Edilson Cruz, 14, munches down on his chili dog during a neighborhood barbecue. Photo by Steven Georges/Behind the Badge OC

Edilson Cruz, 14, munches down on his chili dog during a neighborhood barbecue.
Photo by Steven Georges/Behind the Badge OC

Bob Cardoza, left, serves lunch to kids in the neighborhood. Photo by Steven Georges/Behind the Badge OC

Bob Cardoza, left, serves lunch to kids in the neighborhood.
Photo by Steven Georges/Behind the Badge OC

Garden Grove Officer Steve Estlow with the local kids of the Palma Vista neighborhood. Photo by Edilson Cruz (Palma Vista kid)

Garden Grove PD Officer Steve Estlow with Edilson Cruz, a resident of the Palma Vista neighborhood.
Photo by Edilson Cruz