Thirty Anaheim kids went back to school in style this year following a shopping spree to Target, courtesy of the Orange County Family Justice Center and other agencies, including the Anaheim PD and Anaheim Fire & Rescue.
Every year, the OC Family Justice Center identifies 30 youth who have participated in the non-profit’s programs. The OCFJC provides services to people whose lives have been touched by child abuse, domestic violence, elder/dependent adult abuse, or sexual assault.
Each child received a backpack filled with school supplies with grade-appropriate items ( notebooks, calculators, 3-hole punchers, scissors, crayons, etc.). In addition, they got to buy clothing for the new school year.
Target opened its doors an hour earlier to host the Back to School event. As the kids arrived at the store, they were partnered with volunteers from the city, Anaheim PD, Anaheim Fire & Rescue, Anaheim DEVOTE, and Kaiser to help them shop.
Here are some photos from the fun day.

Kids who participated in the OCFJC Foundation’s sixth-annual Back to School Program, members of the Anaheim PD, OCFJC members, Target employees and volunteers gather for a group photo at the conclusion of a back-to-school shopping spree at a Target in Anaheim.
Photo by Steven Georges/Behind the Badge OC

Susan Bruegman (right), Family Justice Center Foundation board chairwoman and wife of Anaheim Fire & Rescue Chief Randy Bruegman, talks to the volunteers as they get ready for the shopping spree at Target in Anaheim.
Photo by Steven Georges/Behind the Badge OC

Anaheim PD Deputy Chief Julian Harvey greets kids, including Yesenia, 12, second from right, as they arrive at the Target store.
Photo by Steven Georges/Behind the Badge OC

Anaheim PD Det. LC Cashell helps Ramon, 10, pick out clothes at Target.
Photo by Steven Georges/Behind the Badge OC

Ten-year-old Ramon gets help with back-to-school shopping from Susan Bruegman, Family Justice Center Foundation board chairwoman and Anaheim PD Det. LC Cashell.
Photo by Steven Georges/Behind the Badge OC

APD Deputy Chief Dan Cahill helps 6-year-old Aaron, a resident of Anaheim, shop for back-to-school items. Aaron completed the OCFJC’s Kids Creating Change program last year. His mother is currently enrolled in the Parents Creating Change program. Photo by Steven Georges/Behind the Badge OC

Anaheim PD Deputy Chief Dan Cahill partners up with 7-year-old Aaron as they enter Target for the start of their shopping.
Photo by Steven Georges/Behind the Badge OC

Five-year-old London gets help picking out a dress from Jessa Carmack, Miss California 2016, during a back-to-school shopping spree at Target.
Photo by Steven Georges/Behind the Badge OC

APD Deputy Chief Julian Harvey helps pick out pants for Amir, 7. He, along with his 6-year-old brother Amil, enrolled in and completed the Kids Creating Change program in January through the OCFJC’s partnership with the Anaheim Boys & Girls Club. Amir’s mom is also attending the parenting program. Photo by Steven Georges/Behind the Badge OC

Susan Bruegman, Family Justice Center Foundation chariwoman, front center, and Anaheim PD Lt. James Kazakos, back center, with the kids after they received their new back-to-school backpacks.
Photo by Steven Georges/Behind the Badge OC