Anaheim police, fire department join Anna Drive’s Las Posadas celebration
0On Saturday night, Dec. 21, I got a chance to visit Anna Drive in the City of Anaheim. It’s been a long time since I’d been in the neighborhood. I worked as an Anaheim police officer for nearly 30 years, retiring in 2010. From 1992 to 1995 I was a sergeant with the Community Policing Team and worked with the Anna Drive community. It was a time of high gang activity and street drug sales. Many of the apartments were run down with absentee owners and poor living conditions. Anna Drive was a challenging place to live. Residents would bring…
Outside Anaheim High School, Anaheim Fire & Rescue firefighters use the jaws of life to extract an unconscious teenage girl…
The email signature of Anaheim Fire & Rescue Capt. Dave Barry reads: Did you try and turn the iPad off and then…
For Somersby Jenkins, her family’s support has been essential in realizing her childhood dream of becoming a firefighter for Anaheim…
No hay nada más emocionante para un adolescente que estar dentro de un camión de bomberos con las sirenas y…