Aspiring firefighter, 21, now a cadet, has conquered a variety of sports, artistic pursuits
0Follow us on social media: Nicole Nelson was booming around a berm during a BMX race in Lancaster when she got bumped by another rider and took a spill. Nelson, then 16, wasn’t hurt, but several medics instantly swarmed her, making sure she was OK. “They all wanted to help me,” said Nelson, who got back on her bike and won the series championship that day. The EMTs made an impression on the gritty girl from Anaheim, whose BMX exploits are just one of several physical pursuits she has engaged in over the years (now 21, Nelson…
The firefighter paramedic’s black backpack hangs inside Engine 11 on the west side of Anaheim. It’s filled with supplies and…
They couldn’t take their eyes off of her. Or is it a he? Doesn’t matter. Anaheim Fire & Rescue has…
The monster in the shipping container roars. Standing outside the corrugated-steel container nicknamed “The Can,” used by Anaheim Fire &…
Talk about a baptism by fire. Shortly after it was formed in 1985, the Hazardous Materials Response Team of the…