Missing dogs case has happy ending, thanks to Fullerton PD’s Directed Enforcement Team
0Baily and Sky, a pair of Siberian Husky sisters, went on quite a journey after going missing from their owner’s Fullerton apartment. Thanks to the efforts of the Fullerton Police Department’s Directed Enforcement Team, the dogs wound up back home, and none the worse for wear. The saga began on Dec. 17, when Jordan Gregory, 22, returned home to discover his cherished pets were missing. It’s not clear whether they were taken or escaped through a door that may have been inadvertently left open, Gregory said. Either way, they were gone. “I did a good three-mile sprint around the apartment…

The excited yips and yaps came from the back of the council chambers. “It sounds like it’s time for our…

Motorists in Fullerton who choose to break the law by driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs stand a…

The Anaheim Police dispatcher answered the call like he did every other: by pushing a button that played a pre-recorded…

The cop looked at the crate in the car, waiting in anticipation. Inside the crate was a rambunctious 14-month-old Belgian…