FPD’s gang unit hits the streets and classrooms to deter, suppress gang activity
0Detectives in the Fullerton Police Gang Unit deal with a generations-old subculture of individuals who live by their own set of rules and protocols, mostly aimed at protecting their turf through violence and intimidation. In order to suppress the activity, the Gang Unit may be the most multifaceted of all the FPD’s Investigative Units. Gang Unit Detectives are investigators, street cops, enforcers of the law, mentors and confidants all wrapped into one. “I’ve seen how the gangs have taken over some of these communities,” said Det. Joseph Zuniga, on the job in Fullerton for 11 years and in the Gang unit…

A Scottsdale Arizona man was arrested by Fullerton Police and is facing felony attempted murder charges after a freeway shooting…

An 8-week-old is safe from harm after being caught in the middle of a domestic dispute that left the baby’s…

The mother of two is just an West Fullerton mom who is fed up with taggers defacing property in her…

Fullerton police defused a potentially dangerous situation Friday when they arrested a man with a handgun in his pocket shortly…