La Habra Police Department leaps into tech and finds success
0In the past six or so years, La Habra PD has implemented initiatives in social media and technology all in the name of connecting and protecting. In 2014, Chief Jerry Price explored and implemented the use of social media and a smartphone app as part of the Department’s existing community engagement program. The initiative to design a social media program was tasked to a member of the LHPD Communications Bureau ( the department’s 911 dispatchers) and La Habra PD went live with its first post on Facebook on March 19, 2014. The Department’s first Tweet followed on September 29, 2017.…

Despite being, at age 40, the oldest in his class, Amsony Mondragon thought the Orange County Sheriff’s Regional Training Academy…

La Habra PD Sgt. Jim Tigner has had a long and complex relationship with the motorcycle. It’s where the veteran…

Full of entertaining skits, fun competition, several helicopter flyovers, and even fireworks, the Orange County Police Canine Association’s K9 demonstration…

They’re practically invisible. They can roll from one end of town to the other, in an almost silent crisscross in…