Law enforcement faces unprecedented challenges in hiring and keeping recruits
0It’s not easy being Blue. For several years now police departments have struggled to recruit, hire, and retain officers to fill their thinning ranks. In the wake of a spasmodic year of protests and pandemic, plus an aftermath of violent crime, the profession may be fast approaching a generational and possibly historic reckoning. “We are in uncharted territory right now,” Executive Director Chuck Wexler of the Police Executive Research Forum (PERF), a nonprofit police policy research group, told National Public Radio. “Policing is being challenged in ways I haven’t seen — ever.” The outflow of officers retiring and resigning earlier…

Members of the Garden Grove and Westminster police departments partnered with several advocacy groups in an outreach event to educate…

The shadowy cartoon figure on signs posted to light poles throughout neighborhoods across Orange County is a symbol many know…

One round. The moment Frani Echavarria realized her final shot of the low light firearms qualifier missed its mark, she…

A 31-year-old man led officers on a high-speed pursuit before running into a stranger’s home to hide then surrendering to…