Westminster Police Department’s Shop with a Cop a success despite pandemic
0The holiday season may have passed, but kids at the Boys & Girls Club of Westminster are likely still enjoying some of their gifts. “It is so fun to see the kids at the club after the holiday, showing off their new shoes, clothes and/or new toys,” Boys & Girls Club of Westminster Program Director Jeovan Davila said. The club has been partnering with the Westminster Police Department for over 10 years as part of the popular Shop with a Cop program. But, as it was for just about everyone else, things were different for the 2020 program. While normally Westminster…

In five days and over 630 miles, members of the Westminster Police Department will ride to remember the fallen. Fifteen…

This is the second part of two stories to introduce Westminster P.D.’s two newly tapped public information officers dedicated…

With property crime on the rise and legislation that prevents harsher penalties for criminals, Westminster police are educating residents on…

Westminster Police Officer Manh Ingwerson reflects back on 30 years as O.C.’s first Vietnamese cop