Explorers and their advisors from several law enforcement agencies in Orange County and beyond were honored Tuesday, June 30 at the Orange County Law Enforcement Explorer Advisor Association’s annual Gold Awards.
The evening honored achievements by explorers and the officers and others who supervise them.
The Gold Award is the highest explorer award presented by the Orange County Law Enforcement Explorer Advisors Association, and is given to those explorers who display outstanding character.

The OCLEEAA Honor Guard presents the colors at the start of the 2015 Orange County Law Enforcement Explorer Advisors Association Gold Awards Dinner.
Photo by Steven Georges/Behind the Badge OC
Here are this year’s recipients:
Sgt. Jacob Gallacher, Anaheim PD
Officer Kristna Cover, Costa Mesa PD
Police Service Officer Nate Regalado, Cypress PD
Master Officer Jason Perkins, Garden Grove PD
Officer Anthony Ramirez, La Palma PD
Deputy Cindi Martin, OCSD Laguna Niguel
Kathy Palacio, Orange PD
Department Specialist Brianna Miller, Santa Ana School Police
Officer Keith Phan, Westminster PD

The OCLEEAA Honor Guard presents the colors at the start of the 2015 Orange County Law Enforcement Explorer Advisors Association Gold Awards Dinner.
Photo by Steven Georges/Behind the Badge OC
Sgt. Terry Dixon, Bell PD
Westminster Police Officers’ Association
Pedro and Marcos Ramirez from Quality Screen Print

Anaheim PD Explorer Sgt. Estefania Acosta, left, receives the Golden Explorer Award from Police Chief Raul Quezada during the 2015 Orange County Law Enforcement Explorer Advisors Association Gold Awards Dinner.
Photo by Steven Georges/Behind the Badge OC
Explorer Sgt. Estefania Acosta, Anaheim PD
Explorer Sgt. Teodoro Carachure, Anaheim PD
Explorer Sgt. Omar Gallardo, Anaheim PD
Explorer Sgt. Evelyn Valencia, Anaheim PD
Explorer Master Sgt. Gisela Torres, Bell PD
Explorer Sgt. Yash Patel, Brea PD

Anaheim PD Explorer Sgt. Teodoro Carachure, left, receives the Golden Explorer Award from Police Chief Raul Quezada during the 2015 Orange County Law Enforcement Explorer Advisors Association Gold Awards Dinner. Photo by Steven Georges/Behind the Badge OC
Explorer Lt. Kimberly Velasquez, Costa Mesa PD
Explorer Lt. Celia Quijivix, Costa Mesa PD
Explorer Capt. Omar Quol, Cypress PD
Explorer Lt. Nathan Szaneri, Fountain Valley PD
Explorer Lt. Allyson Burillo, Garden Grove PD
Explorer Sgt. Daniel Alvarez, Garden Grove PD
Explorer Capt. Michael Liu, Irvine PD
Explorer Sgt. Diana Santana, Irvine PD

Anaheim PD Explorer Sgt. Omar Gallardo, left, receives the Golden Explorer Award from Police Chief Raul Quezada during the 2015 Orange County Law Enforcement Explorer Advisors Association Gold Awards Dinner.
Photo by Steven Georges/Behind the Badge OC
Explorer Capt. Andrew Kim, La Palma PD
Explorer Corp. Tanner Flagstaff, Laguna Beach PD
Explorer Lt. Kenia Duarte, Long Beach PD
Explorer Lt. Paige White, Long Beach PD
Explorer Capt. Allison Green, Newport Beach PD
Explorer Capt. Stephanie Hernandez, Newport Beach PD
Explorer Lt. Scott Cao, OCSD
Explorer Lt. Alexa Elkabbara, OCSD Yorba Linda

Anaheim PD Explorer Sgt. Evelyn Valencia, left, receives the Golden Explorer Award from Police Chief Raul Quezada during the 2015 Orange County Law Enforcement Explorer Advisors Association Gold Awards Dinner.
Photo by Steven Georges/Behind the Badge OC
Explorer Lt. Matthew Leading, OCSD Dana Point Harbor Division
Explorer Sgt. Will Hickson, OCSD Laguna Niguel and south division
Explorer Riley Turner, Orange PD
Explorer Sgt. Jazmine Carrillo, Santa Ana PD
Explorer Sgt. Eduardo Guillen, Santa Ana School Police

Cypress PD Explorer Captain Omar Quol, left, receives the Golden Explorer Award during the 2015 Orange County Law Enforcement Explorer Advisors Association Gold Awards Dinner.
Photo by Steven Georges/Behind the Badge OC
Explorer Sgt. Christopher Sidahmed, Tustin PD
Explorer Lt. Richard Tran, Westminster PD
Explorer Lt. Nemesis Mendez, U.S. Customs and Border Protection
Explorer Corp. Carolyn Hollman, U.S. Customs and Border Protection

Garden Grove PD Explorer Lieutenant Allyson Burillo receives the Golden Explorer Award from Police Chief Todd Elgin during the 2015 Orange County Law Enforcement Explorer Advisors Association Gold Awards Dinner.
Photo by Steven Georges/Behind the Badge OC

Garden Grove PD Explorer Sergeant Daniel Alvarez receives the Golden Explorer Award from Police Chief Todd Elgin during the 2015 Orange County Law Enforcement Explorer Advisors Association Gold Awards Dinner.
Photo by Steven Georges/Behind the Badge OC

Garden Grove PD Explorer Sergeant Daniel Alvarez receives the Golden Explorer Award from Police Chief Todd Elgin during the 2015 Orange County Law Enforcement Explorer Advisors Association Gold Awards Dinner.
Photo by Steven Georges/Behind the Badge OC

La Palma PD Explorer Captain Andrew Kim receives the Golden Explorer Award from Capt. Jim Engen during the 2015 Orange County Law Enforcement Explorer Advisors Association Gold Awards Dinner.
Photo by Steven Georges/Behind the Badge OC

Orange County Sheriff’s Department Explorer Lieutenant Scott Cao, left, receives the Golden Explorer Award from Assistant Sheriff Don Barnes of the OCSD during the 2015 Orange County Law Enforcement Explorer Advisors Association Gold Awards Dinner.
Photo by Steven Georges/Behind the Badge OC

Orange County Sheriff’s Department Explorer Lieutenant Alexa Elkabbara, center, receives the Golden Explorer Award from Deputy Gregg Surrell, left, and Assistant Sheriff Don Barnes of the OCSD during the 2015 Orange County Law Enforcement Explorer Advisors Association Gold Awards Dinner.
Photo by Steven Georges/Behind the Badge OC

Orange County Sheriff’s Department Explorer Lieutenant Matthew Leading, left, receives the Golden Explorer Award from Assistant Sheriff Don Barnes of the OCSD during the 2015 Orange County Law Enforcement Explorer Advisors Association Gold Awards Dinner.
Photo by Steven Georges/Behind the Badge OC

Orange County Sheriff’s Department Explorer Sgt. Will Hickson, left, receives the Golden Explorer Award from Assistant Sheriff Don Barnes of the OCSD during the 2015 Orange County Law Enforcement Explorer Advisors Association Gold Awards Dinner.
Photo by Steven Georges/Behind the Badge OC

Tustin PD Explorer Sgt. Chris Sidahmed, left, receives the Golden Explorer Award from Tustin Police Chief Charles Celano during the 2015 Orange County Law Enforcement Explorer Advisors Association Gold Awards Dinner.
Photo by Steven Georges/Behind the Badge OC

Westminster PD Explorer Lieutenant Richard Tran, left, receives the Golden Explorer Award from Westminster Police Chief Kevin Baker during the 2015 Orange County Law Enforcement Explorer Advisors Association Gold Awards Dinner.
Photo by Steven Georges/Behind the Badge OC

Sergeant Jacob Gallacher of the Anaheim PD, left, receives the Golden Advisor Award from Anaheim Police Chief Raul Quezada during the 2015 Orange County Law Enforcement Explorer Advisors Association Gold Awards Dinner.
Photo by Steven Georges/Behind the Badge OC

Sergeant Jacob Gallacher of the Anaheim PD, left, receives the Golden Advisor Award from Anaheim Police Chief Raul Quezada during the 2015 Orange County Law Enforcement Explorer Advisors Association Gold Awards Dinner.
Photo by Steven Georges/Behind the Badge OC

Police Service Officer Nate Regavado of the Cypress PD, left, receives the Golden Advisor Award during the 2015 Orange County Law Enforcement Explorer Advisors Association Gold Awards Dinner.
Photo by Steven Georges/Behind the Badge OC

Master Officer Jason Perkins of the Garden Grove PD, left, receives the Golden Advisor Award from Police Chief Todd Elgin during the 2015 Orange County Law Enforcement Explorer Advisors Association Gold Awards Dinner.
Photo by Steven Georges/Behind the Badge OC

Master Officer Jason Perkins of the Garden Grove PD, left, receives the Golden Advisor Award from Police Chief Todd Elgin during the 2015 Orange County Law Enforcement Explorer Advisors Association Gold Awards Dinner.
Photo by Steven Georges/Behind the Badge OC

Captain Terry Kim of the La Palma PD, right, receives the Golden Advisor Award from Tustin PD Officer Anthony Ramirez during the 2015 Orange County Law Enforcement Explorer Advisors Association Gold Awards Dinner.
Photo by Steven Georges/Behind the Badge OC

Orange County Sheriff’s Deputy Cindi Martin, left, receives the Golden Advisor Award from Assistant Sheriff Don Barnes of the Orange County Sheriff Department during the 2015 Orange County Law Enforcement Explorer Advisors Association Gold Awards Dinner.
Photo by Steven Georges/Behind the Badge OC

Orange County Sheriff’s Deputy Cindi Martin receives the Golden Advisor Award from Assistant Sheriff Don Barnes of the Orange County Sheriff Department during the 2015 Orange County Law Enforcement Explorer Advisors Association Gold Awards Dinner.
Photo by Steven Georges/Behind the Badge OC

Officer Keith Phan of the Westminster PD, left, receives the Golden Advisor Award from Westminster Police Chief Kevin Baker during the 2015 Orange County Law Enforcement Explorer Advisors Association Gold Awards Dinner.
Photo by Steven Georges/Behind the Badge OC

The Westminster Police Officer Association (WPOA) received an Award of Merit from Westminster Police Chief Kevin Baker during the 2015 Orange County Law Enforcement Explorer Advisors Association Gold Awards Dinner.
Photo by Steven Georges/Behind the Badge OC

Award recipient Anaheim PD Sgt. Jacob Gallacher and his partner Officer Leslie Vargas, center, with Golden Explorer Award winners Sgt. Omar Gallardo, left, Sgt. Teodoro Carachure, Sgt. Estefania Acosta and Sgt. Evelyn Valencia at the conclusion of the 2015 Orange County Law Enforcement Explorer Advisors Association Gold Awards Dinner.
Photo by Steven Georges/Behind the Badge OC