Garden Grove PD crosswalk operation results in 70 citations in two hours


“Life in the Fast Lane.”

Sadly, that Eagles’ hit continues to be the soundtrack that too many motorists seem to be driving to as they zoom down city streets.

The City of Garden Grove, along with the Garden Grove PD, hopes to pound into drivers’ heads another Eagles’ smash:

“Take it Easy.”

With fatal traffic accidents in the city up 300 percent this year — the majority involving pedestrians and bicyclists — the GGPD recently held a crosswalk operation in which a cadet wearing a reflective safety vest walked through a crosswalk in the hopes of getting drivers to yield.


The traffic enforcement and education operation was held Oct. 26 at the intersection of Lemonwood Lane and Garden Grove Boulevard. Photo courtesy of GGPD

The operation was part of an ongoing Accident Reduction Campaign throughout Garden Grove.

There were several close calls as the cadet repeatedly walked through the crosswalk at Lemonwood Lane and Garden Grove Boulevard on Oct. 26, Motor Officer Royce Wimmer said.

The cadet, Bryan Gonzalez, said it was pretty scary knowing that people didn’t want to stop for him even though he was wearing a bright reflective vest.

“Several people I made direct eye contact with still just wanted to pass me,” Gonzalez said.

By the time the two-hour afternoon crosswalk operation had ended, the GGPD had handed out 70 citations for failure to yield.

“Pedestrians have the right of way at any crosswalk or intersection, and some drivers learned that lesson through the issuance of a citation,” Police Chief Todd Elgin said. “The Accident Reduction Team will conduct more operations to keep Garden Grove streets safe.”

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A public education program in Garden Grove reminds motorists not to drive while distracted. Photo courtesy of City of Garden Grove

According to the GGPD, there have been four pedestrian incidents in the last 30 days, including a recent injury collision with a female in a marked crosswalk.

And so far this year, there have been 11 fatal traffic-related accidents in Garden Grove.

The Accident Reduction Team, made up of GGPD motor officers, was organized as part of a citywide campaign to reduce traffic collisions and to prevent fatal accidents involving pedestrians and bicyclists.

Several schools are located near the crosswalk at Lemonwood Lane and Garden Grove Boulevard, Wimmer noted.

A week prior to the operation, a female high school student was hit in a marked crosswalk about a quarter mile away, Wimmer said.

She is in serious but stable condition.

“Our goal is to have zero fatal accidents, and to increase the overall safety of Garden Grove roadways,” Wimmer said.

The Office of Traffic Safety funded the crosswalk operation.

The Accident Reduction Team is reaching out to commuters through various media outlets, as well as through presentations and community meetings, to educate the public on the dangers of not following traffic laws.

The city’s website, social media, and other mediums will be used to promote the campaign.

To view the live streaming of the crosswalk operation, visit the city’s Facebook page at For more information, visit or contact the Garden Grove Police Department Community Liaison Division at 714-741-5760.

Accident Scene (1)

A public education program in Garden Grove reminds motorists not to drive while distracted. Photo courtesy of City of Garden Grove