News & Features

Sen. Josh Newman secures continued funding to expand North Orange County Public Safety Task Force
State Sen. Josh Newman led an effort to secure $7.8 million to sustain and expand the innovative, impactful and successful…

Bakersfield PD steps up community outreach with summertime events
It has been more than year since Community Relations Specialists Janeth Jimenez and Edwina Tripp have organized any in person…

A uniformed Houston, TX police officer was engaged in a struggle with a shooting and robbery suspect in the parking…

Though La Habra’s Radio Patrol Unit consists of volunteers, its seven members are far from inexperienced; in fact, some have…

As Addison Keeling munched on a hot dog and listened to music, all was well with her world. The four-year-old…

Weddings don’t always go as planned — a New Jersey bride knows this fact all too well. When storms spread…

Officer David Tatom from the Carrollton Police Department was driving when he noticed a hawk in the middle of the…

A standing-room only crowd gathered Wednesday, Aug. 22 to witness Anaheim’s 35th chief of police, Jorge Cisneros, get sworn in…