News & Features

Pasadena Police Sergeant finds success combining family time and homeschool
For families across the nation, the school bell now rings in their living room and the classroom is held in…

BTB reporter tests out APD’s force options simulator, learns that judgment calls aren’t easy to make
The man in the red shirt stood in the park, glaring at me like a hawk focused on its prey.…

The sound of shoppers slowly began to fill the clothing section of an Anaheim Target Store early Friday, July 21.…

A man was found shot to death near an ATM on Sunday, and the Garden Grove PD is asking the…

Raindrops couldn’t keep hundreds of La Habra families from the annual National Night Out event Tuesday evening at Portola Park.…

The latest tool for La Habra PD officers comes in a smallish blue-and-yellow pouch. Inside the pouch is a nasal…

Members of the Garden Grove Police Department’s Community Policing Advisory Board smiled and laughed as they watched Vader happily run…

Sara Oyco and her husband, DJ, walked through Westminster Mall’s parking lot with their two young children, exploring the police,…