News & Features

A hog wild day for Santa Ana runners during Baker to Vegas
As swan songs go, this was a pretty good one. Santa Ana Police Sgt. Dominic Padilla has been one of…

SAPD shines a light on its top officers, employees in 2023
The Santa Ana Police Department took a moment to reflect on the past year — a uniquely active time for the…

A disgruntled former employee has been spotted on the premises of his former place of employment — armed with a hand…

Santa Ana Police Department’s National Night Out festivities gave the community an opportunity to get an up-close primer on every…

The Westminster Police Department’s annual Awards Ceremony recognized the many lifesaving actions of officers in the field, as well as…

A new Westminster Police Department civilian employee is helping tackle the complex problem of homelessness with compassion, experience and expertise.…

July 1 was a full day for Westminster Police Department K9 Officer Pako. He handled a steady night of calls,…

The phones at Bakersfield Police Department’s communications center urgently ring throughout the day with emergency calls ranging from welfare checks…