News & Features

It is best to be prepared for whatever disasters may come
A historically bad winter with storms and flooding, preceded by several years of record wildfire seasons, have tested Californians and…

Santa Ana PD vows to significantly increase number of female sworn officers
The Santa Ana Police Department is Orange County’s first law enforcement agency to join a nationwide pledge to have 30…

Editor’s Note: This story was updated on Friday, April 2, as well as Thursday, April 1, as new information has…

Marcela Haskins, a lieutenant with Bakersfield Police Department, knew she wanted to be the kind of mom who ate dinner…

Several minutes after School Resource Officer Jason Stouffer and Vice Principal Matt White of Westminster High talk to the mother…

Over the past few years critics have pointed to the need for more training as a solution to the shortcomings…

The shifts, they are a-changin’ at the Tustin Police Department. Every six months, the department goes through a shift change.…

The rooms of the Santa Ana Family Justice Center provide a comforting environment to the most vulnerable individuals and families,…