The SUV with tinted windows sped around Sigler Park, prompting two police cars to pursue the vehicle onto the park’s field.

Westminster Police officers draw their guns for a demonstration hostage situation as kids behind them watch during Westminster’s Safety Day at Sigler Park.
Photo by Steven Georges/Behind the Badge
Out jumped two suspects — one forcing a hostage to a nearby bus.
Just then, K9 Officer Travis Hartman unleased his dog, Pako.
After a warning from Hartman, Pako chased the suspect and nabbed the bad guy.

Westminster PD’s K-9, Pako, gets his man during a demonstration as kids at Sigler Park get a show for Westminster’s Safety Day.
Photo by Steven Georges/Behind the Badge
Onlookers screamed with great enthusiasm.
“Get the bad guys!”
“There’s the attack dog!”
“Ohhhh, the helicopter is coming!”

An Orange County Fire Authority helicopter lands at Sigler Park as part of a demonstration for Westminster’s Safety Day.
Photo by Steven Georges/Behind the Badge
The scene was a realistic reenactment of a police pursuit and hostage situation during Westminster Police Department’s annual Safety Day, held July 18.

West County SWAT officers move in with Pako the WPD K-9 during a demonstration hostage situation for Westminster’s Safety Day at Sigler Park.
Photo by Steven Georges/Behind the Badge
Orange County Fire Authority firefighters hovered its helicopter above the grass, and the crowd cheered as the SWAT team deployed a flash bomb, a tool that issued a plume of yellow smoke and a loud bang to distract suspects during standoffs and related police situations.

West County SWAT officers use a smoke grenade to flush out a pretend bad guy holding a hostage in a bus during a demonstration for Westminster’s Safety Day at Sigler Park.
Photo by Steven Georges/Behind the Badge
The law enforcement unit moved in with guns drawn, approaching the bus where the suspect held the hostage captive.

With Westminster Police backing them up, West County SWAT officers move in during a demonstration hostage situation for Westminster’s Safety Day at Sigler Park.
Photo by Steven Georges/Behind the Badge
Seconds later, the team emerged with the handcuffed suspect in custody.

West County SWAT officers take a pretend bad guy away during a demonstration for Westminster’s Safety Day.
Photo by Steven Georges/Behind the Badge
The free educational event offered residents and families an opportunity to become familiar with the City’s safety staff and services, while also featuring demonstrations by the Westminster Police Department and the Orange County Fire Authority.

Westminster Council Member Sergio Contreras hands out hot dogs to kids during Westminster’s Safety Day at Sigler Park.
Photo by Steven Georges/Behind the Badge
Attendees also had the chance to explore the SWAT vehicle and take pictures with K9 Pako, while checking out vendors such as the Orange County Sanitation District, Animal Control, California Highway Patrol and Westminster Family Resource Center.

West County SWAT officers have their photo taken with OCFA Fire Captain Greg Bradshaw and Fire Pilot Desiree Horton during Westminster’s Safety Day at Sigler Park.
Photo by Steven Georges/Behind the Badge
“Our department is very community-oriented and this just gives us one of the many great ways to get out and interact with residents,” said Sgt. Bill Drinnin, who has participated in the outreach day for 20 years. “It’s a one-stop shop to talk about safety.”

Seven-year-old Mindy Herrera of Westminster tries out the police motorcycle of Westminster PD’s Sgt. Bill Drinnin, behind her, during Westminster’s Safety Day at Sigler Park.
Photo by Steven Georges/Behind the Badge

Nine-year-old Ezekiel Roberts, from the Boys & Girls Club of Westminster, gets fingerprinted with the help of Westminster PD Explorer Ngan Pham as part of Westminster’s Safety Day.
Photo by Steven Georges/Behind the Badge

Diego Juarez, left, and Christopher Hernandez, both 8 from the Boys & Girls Club of Westminster, show off their fingerprints they received from a Westminster PD Explorers booth, part of Westminster Safety Day at Sigler Park.
Photo by Steven Georges/Behind the Badge

Tonka, an American Bully, checks out the camera as WPD Animal Control Officer Faviola Nunez pets him during Westminster’s Safety Day.
Photo by Steven Georges/Behind the Badge

Families gather around Westminster Animal Control’s vehicle during Westminster’s Safety Day.
Photo by Steven Georges/Behind the Badge

Two-year-old Caleb Moreno of Garden Grove has his photo taken with a West County SWAT officer during Westminster’s Safety Day.
Photo by Steven Georges/Behind the Badge