BTBuzz: Police throw surprise birthday party for 8 year old girl


When the Augusta Maine Police Department found out none of Larriah Binns’ friends could come to her 8th birthday party, they came up with an idea.

The local police department knew they couldn’t let Larriah’s disappointment last — the next day the department decided to throw Larriah a surprise party.

Angelique Binns, Larriah’s mom, told WCSH-TV that, “She was definitely surprised. I told her that there were a few people coming over, but she did not know who, and when the cars started pulling up you could see the excitement in her eyes. She started jumping up and down.”

“She might have had an idea that someone from the police department was going to show up with maybe a card but then we had some good response from off-duty officers and their families as well as all of the other officers that are working today,” Sgt. Christian Behr said.

After celebrating by eating cake, the deputies spent the day with Larriah and gave her a card signed by the entire police department as well as several gift cards, including some to her favorite store, Five Below.