In a case that captivated the country, 13-year-old Jayme Closs was rescued nearly three months after being abducted from her…
In a case that captivated the country, 13-year-old Jayme Closs was rescued nearly three months after being abducted from her…
Indiana State Police Master Trooper Dwayne Halliburton will be a forever hero to a family after reuniting them with their…
Last week in Los Angeles, there was a pursuit of an allegedly armed driver of a red Chevy Tahoe. The…
Sadly, robberies, aggravated assaults, gang shootings, and a myriad of gun crimes are an every day occurrence in cities across…
Two significant laws go into effect in 2019 that will greatly impact police departments across California. The first is AB-748, which…
When you look at the list of 148 police officers killed in the line of duty last year there is…
In Florida, Osceola County Deputy Josh Fiorelli comforted an injured dog that had been hit by a car. Fortunately for…
Last week, the Little Rock Police Department in Arkansas released in-car camera video footage of a pursuit of an armed…
You may have seen in the news the recently released United States Senate Select Committee on Intelligence report on Russian…
In a heart-wrenching news conference Thursday, Dec. 27, Newman Police Chief Randy Richardson shared the impact on his small department…