Last week, the Little Rock Police Department in Arkansas released in-car camera video footage of a pursuit of an armed suspect with a child in his car.
On Dec. 19, 2018, 43-year-old Ferris Deloney was distraught as he was being chased by officers with his baby daughter in the front seat of the car. He was accused of kidnapping the baby after having a quarrel with the child’s mother in the parking lot of a Walmart. During the quarrel, Deloney fired a shot from a handgun.
After a high-speed chase, he suddenly stopped his vehicle, which was immediately surrounded. In a confusing and emotionally charged scene, officers approached the vehicle with guns drawn as the suspect held a gun to his own head.
On Dec. 19, 2018, Little Rock Police Officer Brittany Godfrey reaches into a vehicle and removes a 1-year-old child from the arms of her armed and distraught father. Video from Little Rock Police Department
At one point, Officer Brittany Godfrey tells Deloney: “Olivia needs her daddy..they need a daddy to grow up with.” Then she adds, “Sir, can I please get the baby out of the car?”
In a move that can only be described as dangerous, risky, and unsafe, Godfrey walked over to the passenger side of the car and opened the door. Other officers remained tense as she holstered her weapon and then grabbed the 1-year old little girl and whisked her away.
The officers continued to speak with Deloney, deescalating the scene and eventually convincing him to exit the car and give himself up.
Deloney has been charged with kidnapping, aggravated assault, and endangering a minor.
The car stop and tactics were far from perfect, the situation incredibly tense, but in the end everyone went home and 1-year-old girl was saved because of one officer’s bravery.