Wildfires are getting bigger every year; the best thing you can do is prepare
0Brown skies and red sunsets. Ash falling from the sky like snowflakes. Smoke traveling from California to New York. Wildfires in California have become a seasonal phenomenon that seems to grow by the year. Drought, heat, changing weather patterns, encroachment into the so-called urban wildland interface — all these are factors have changed the fundamental nature of fires, management and suppression in California. To help residents, groups like Ready OC, Orange County’s emergency preparedness resource, stand in the gap with vital information. Consider: Since California started recording fire incidents in 1932, the 10 worst fire seasons have happened since 2000 In…
In a video released Tuesday, April 7, Anaheim Fire & Rescue’s Franky Mora walks viewers though a virtual tour of Station 6…
Everyone has a food item that is tied to a special memory. For Anaheim Fire & Rescue (AF&R) Battalion Chief…
The retired firefighter had plans to spend several days at a gem and mineral show in Tucson with his wife…
Physical fitness. Leadership. Character Whether they become firefighters or take another career path, the skills learned by Anaheim Fire &…