Eight move up the ranks at the La Habra Police Department
0Friends, family members, and city officials gathered to watch and celebrate as eight of La Habra’s finest were promoted. “It is my pleasure to be up here today as we are going to be recognizing, honoring, and celebrating the hard work and professionalism of these leaders at our department,” La Habra Police Chief Jerry Price said. Each of the promotees endured a rigorous testing process to obtain their new positions, which included a written exam, an interview in front of a panel, and an interview with the chief. Receiving promotions were Corporals Mucio Sanchez, Sumner Bohee and Erik Roy, Sergeants…

La Habra police are appealing to the public to help them find a 23-year-old woman who was reported missing…

The La Habra officers huddled outside the local donut shop, styrofoam coffee cups in hand, ready to mingle. One couple…

Cops from four O.C. agencies joined law enforcement departments throughout the county to take to the streets Friday and engage…

Navigating hundreds of emergency calls after an earthquake, saving a woman’s life and successfully intervening in a local man’s attempted…