CSI team at La Habra always ready to roll to a crime scene
0La Habra’s Community Service Officers are CSI champions. Using their crime scene investigation training and analytical minds, the two officers process the majority of the crime scenes in La Habra, collecting DNA, fingerprints, and other types of evidence for examination. The CSI program began in 2010 when CSO Ken Gustin and CSO Christina Nuñez received POST-certified (Peace Officer Standards and Training) instruction in crime scene investigation. “It was just absolutely fascinating,” Nuñez said of the CSI classes. Until then, the department contracted with nearby agencies for CSI services. But the wait time for someone to arrive to process a scene…

Police have arrested two people on suspicion of allegedly stealing gardening tools and band equipment from Whittier Christian High School,…

Prinz, one of La Habra’s two police dogs, will soon be much safer while on duty, thanks to a new…

Two juveniles were arrested by La Habra police after they were suspected of attempting to burglarize a home in the…

It’s a rare find. Acting Capt. Jeff Swaim, Acting Lt. Mel Ruiz and Sgt. Jose Quirarte all grew up in…