Santa Ana kids treated to holiday happiness during police department gift giveaway
0All it took was an Instagram post. By the time the post was deleted an hour later, word had spread quickly through Santa Ana. When Acting Chief Robert Rodriguez and his elves arrived at the corner of Halladay Street and Chestnut Avenue in the Pacific Park neighborhood for the annual holiday gift giveaway, hundreds of kids and parents had flocked to the area. In a little more than an hour, Rodriguez and his staff distributed more than $6,900 worth of toys to kids of all ages from the neighborhood. Although it was touch and go whether the supply would meet…

The times are in, the antibiotic ointments have been applied, and the elastic bandages have been wrapped as the 36th…

They have trained and pushed themselves. They are pumped up and primed to go. Starting at 8 a.m. Saturday and…

Santa Ana Police Department K9 Officer Rik still bears the marks of his latest encounter. The injury didn’t come from…

They call them “Launi capers.” When Detective Jeff Launi heads out on a case, you often don’t know what he’ll…