News & Features

VIDEO: Westminster Police Department serves warrant at slap house
Behind the Badge goes behind the scenes with the Westminster Police Department, West County SWAT and Buena Park SWAT to…

VIDEO: Bakersfield Police Department celebrates National Police Woman Day
Celebrating National Police Woman Day on September 12th, Behind the Badge got to speak with some of Bakersfield Police Department’s…

Over his five years on patrol in Westminster, K9 Pako has helped catch more than a few bad guys. To…

In the past six or so years, La Habra PD has implemented initiatives in social media and technology all in…

You walk into the kitchen and smell chocolate cookies baking, but your dog can smell and distinguish all of the…

When Jimmie D. Kennedy was hired by the Anaheim Police Department in 1953, Disneyland was under construction, the city was…

Anaheim Police Department detectives have arrested a pastor at an Anaheim church on suspicion of committing a series of sex…

In the midst of the holiday season, while Pasadena Police Department was in deep preparation mode for “America’s New Year…