News & Features

Irvine Valley College students, Orange County United Way team up to prepare for disasters
Irvine Valley College student and Student United Way member Austin Coccia – deployed in 2011 with the U.S. Air Force…

What it takes to become a motorcycle officer
Behind the Badge joined Tustin Police during a day of motor training in the city of Irvine. Check out the…

Riverside County Sheriff Chad Bianco called it a great day for the Sheriff’s Department and a great day for the…

After a distinguished 33-plus years in law enforcement, the last 11 1/2 with the Anaheim PD, Sgt. Daron Wyatt had…

Anaheim Fire and Rescue is taking life saving to a new, more efficient level. The agency, along with other fire…

The world’s first electric fire truck (EFT) stopped at the North Net training facility in Anaheim recently to give Anaheim…

The Santa Ana PD welcomed seven new officers to its ranks on Dec. 12 at a swearing-in ceremony led by…

Having only recently moved to Tustin with her three children, Gena Zarza had never seen the kind of Christmas spirit…