News & Features

Anaheim PD arrests 2017 homicide suspect
After two years on the case, the Anaheim Police Department Homicide Detail has arrested a suspect in the 2017 shooting…

La Habra has gained a few new members in its K-9 unit
Maybe they can’t quite leap tall buildings in a single bound or outrun a speeding bullet the way Superman can. …

In April 2005, Officer Steve Heine of the GGPD was on a particularly harrowing and agonizing call. An armed man…

Sgt. Mike Gonzalez of the Santa Ana Police Department was in Henderson, Nev. on Friday and Saturday, teaching a Tactical…

The first thing he noticed, after the shots rang out, was a man on his back, about 10 feet to…
Amid the unfolding horror, heroes emerged. Whether it was shouting “get down,” acting as a human shield, helping someone over…

Officer Lindsey Bittorf became an unlikely hero this summer after answering the call to serve and protect. But not in…

Set a nightly reminder on your phone to lock up at 9 p.m. That’s the message of the Anaheim Police…