News & Features

Pasadena PD Dispatch and Donuts
As part of #telecommunicationsweek the #PasadenaPD’s 911 operators spent the morning @dunkin talking to the public about what goes on behind the scenes. “We wanted…

Pasadena PD’s annual disaster response fly-in brings in law enforcement pilots from the region
One by one, more than 30 helicopters from public safety agencies throughout Southern California and beyond systematically descended to the…

The woman thought he was a cop or security guard and got into his car because she thought she was…

Duty. Honor. Sacrifice. Those are the words engraved on the Vietnam War monument at Sid Goldstein Freedom Park in Westminster. …

It isn’t common for Tustin Police Department employees to remember the start date of their colleagues. But Sgt. Matt Nunley’s…

He was a young cop with about 1½ years of patrol experience under his belt when the 20-year-old stabbing victim…

“See you in the morning.” The best friends would say that to each other at the end of each shift at…

He heard it before he saw it. As Brad Saunders raised his arm to hail a taxicab, the distinct sound…