Runners took to the start line at 8:30 a.m. Oct. 29 outside the Santa Ana Police Department for the third annual fundraising event to help bring toys to the Santa Ana community during the holidays.
Participants, officers, and families embraced the brisk Santa Ana winds and sunshine to take the 5k course around Jack Fisher Park, followed by the finish line at department headquarters. SAPD Chief David Valentin gave an introduction and expressed his gratitude for this year’s turnout.
“The purpose of this run is essentially to collect funds so we can brighten up the days for our most vulnerable children and families throughout the city with some gifts, just additional time for interaction with them,” the retiring Chief said. “There’s no profit that’s made here. It’s all to give back to the community. Anytime we can have a police officer or police employee engaged with a community, that further builds community trust. So, the gift may be one thing, but it’s the community. It’s the interaction and the face-to-face. That’s priceless.”

Reagan, a pony from Santa Ana Police Department, makes an appearance at Santa Ana PD’s annual 31×31 run.
Photo by Steven Georges/Behind the Badge
Police Explorer Osbaldo Ochoa was participating in the event for the first time.
“It was a nice experience,” Ochoa said. “We got to get a little workout in the morning. It’s good to start off your day with a run, get your exercise, and stay healthy. Fortunately, today, we were able to do that. Thank you for Santa Ana PD 631 for blocking the roadway so we’re able to run safely. It was a very good experience to run today.”
Detective Corporal Elizabeth Granados with her pony, Reagan, crossed the finish line outside police headquarters.
“It was it was an amazing experience,” Granados said. “That’s pretty awesome to be able to see other animals and everyone attending and doing their best.”
Valentin ended his fun run with the department with a determined focus.
“Today’s run was a bit challenging with regards to weather, of course, we have the Santa Ana winds,” Valentin said. “But as you see, there’s a lot of people that came out committed.”

Cadets from the OC Sheriff’s Regional Training Academy start Santa Ana Police Department’s annual 31×31 run in front of Santa Ana police headquarters.
Photo by Steven Georges/Behind the Badge

Runners gather for a photo after finishing the annual 31×31 run.
Photo by Steven Georges/Behind the Badge

Cadets from the OC Sheriff’s Regional Training Academy line up outside Santa Ana Police Department’s headquarters after the annual 31×31 run.
Photo by Steven Georges/Behind the Badge

Santa Ana Police Chief David Valentin (with hat) with Santa Ana Police Department runners after the annual 31×31 run.
Photo by Steven Georges/Behind the Badge

Cadets from the OC Sheriff’s Regional Training Academy line up outside Santa Ana Police Department’s headquarters after the annual 31×31 run.
Photo by Steven Georges/Behind the Badge

Santa Ana Police Chief David Valentin after the department’s annual 31×31 run.
Photo by Steven Georges/Behind the Badge

One of the last runners makes his way to the finish line during Santa Ana Police Department’s annual 31×31 run.
Photo by Steven Georges/Behind the Badge

Cadets from the OC Sheriff’s Regional Training Academy run down Freeman Street during Santa Ana Police Department’s annual 31×31 run.
Photo by Steven Georges/Behind the Badge

Command staff from the OC Sheriff’s Regional Training Academy run down Freeman Street with their cadets behind them during Santa Ana Police Department’s annual 31×31 run.
Photo by Steven Georges/Behind the Badge

Santa Ana Police Motor Officer Stephen Geist leads the way as cadets from the OC Sheriff’s Regional Training Academy run down Freeman Street during Santa Ana Police Department’s annual 31×31 run.
Photo by Steven Georges/Behind the Badge

Runners make their way down Freeman Street during Santa Ana Police Department’s annual 31×31 run.
Photo by Steven Georges/Behind the Badge

A runner carries the flag for the Santa Ana Winds Running Club as he makes his way down Freeman Street during Santa Ana Police Department’s annual 31×31 run.
Photo by Steven Georges/Behind the Badge

Runners make their way down Freeman Street during Santa Ana Police Department’s annual 31×31 run.
Photo by Steven Georges/Behind the Badge

Runners make their way down Freeman Street during Santa Ana Police Department’s annual 31×31 run.
Photo by Steven Georges/Behind the Badge

Runners make their way down Freeman Street during Santa Ana Police Department’s annual 31×31 run.
Photo by Steven Georges/Behind the Badge